China Sees Iran as a Winning Card against the U.S.

"China looks at Iran with a tactical, and not a strategic viewpoint, which is mainly based on exploiting Iran as a winning card in its financial and economic bargaining with the United States," said an Iranian top analyst in international a

4/4/2021 12:25:00 PM

In an interview with "Rouydad" program, “Reza Simbar”, pointed out China's request to the United States to lift unilateral sanctions against Iran and said; "We should explain the reason for this: the Chinese are seeking to increase their presence and influence in West Asia region and the Persian Gulf.”

He said that Chinese are mainly after a show of power so that the U.S. authorities would see their strong standpoint in the region, and thus their words and views would be counted by America.

Simbar, declared that China's efforts to reach out to four regional powers, including Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia, were to draw US attention to the issue.

"The Chinese are trying to show the United States that China is developing its influence," he said.

"This trend isn’t about China's confrontation with the United States," Simbar emphasized, “the truth is that Americans have economic, trade, and financial interactions with China, and if China says something about Iran, we should not get excited and think that they are now our ally; because this is not the case and the Chinese don’t really have a strategic outlook on Iran.”

He added; "China looks at Iran with a tactical viewpoint, which is mainly based on using Iran as a chance to win in its financial and economic bargaining with the United States!"

"The Chinese are opposed to sanctions because sanctions are a major and contentious obstacle between the United States and China, and China intends to lift sanctions by any means to establish better relations with Iran," Simbar said.

He added: "If the sanctions continue, it may strain US-Chinese relations and therefore the Chinese do not want to continue sanctions against Iran."

"If we think that the Chinese are worried about Iran and want the sanctions to be lifted because it is unfair, [[this is a misconception] because China is not looking for anything at all," Simber said.

He continued; "If the sanctions maintain, it may affect US-Chinese relations and cause tensions between them, therefore the Chinese want the stop of sanctions against Iran."

"If we think that the Chinese are worried about Iran and want the sanctions to be lifted because it is unfair, [this is a misunderstanding] because China isn’t basically pursuing such an aim," cited Simbar.

Simbar stated that China is practically pursuing its own interests; “Inside our country, some think in this way and encourage such actions; this is while these people have a black and white outlook on issues. They think the Chinese are our strategic ally and they want to lift cruel and unjust sanctions; but this is not the case at all.”

He emphasized on China's efforts to maintain its track and influence in the region; “This isn’t true about China at all, and we are a winning card in China’s hands and they do not want [sanctions] to be an obstacle between their relations with the Americans!”

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