Do not forget that The Americans have left The Deal before

Expert on Nuclear affairs told The Radio Goftogoo that the verification process shouldn’t get time barred.

5/3/2021 8:51:00 AM

Jalal Fayyazi answering a question regarding the current status of the Vienna talks told The Rooydad Program that contrary to rumours, not only the final goal is not within reach but some difficulties and disagreements between the negotiation teams has also resurfaced.

He made it clear that the mechanism of the JCPOA can’t be above the Islamic Republic’s general strategy.

“So far we have not received any confirmed news and whatever is being said is just based on speculations.”

Fayyazi further said that all the participant teams must discuss the matters with their leaderships, which indicates that further coordination has taken place.

Mentioning the movement between Vienna and rest of the participant countries he said: “It seems there has been a level of coordination on the national ground and according to the policies of the system. A bit of information has also been provided regarding the sanctions being lifted from some individuals and Organizations. ”

Mr. Fayyazi added that the supporters and opponents are putting forward their points of view regarding this agreement which can only be considered as a hypothesis at its best. He believed that we’ve entered a sensitive period of time where speculations won’t help us through.

Fayyazi said that the verification is not a short process and we need practical assurances beside the verification. Thus, a reasonable time period must be set for the verification process especially for the Iranian side who insists on this procedure.

“To make it happen, a pathway must be designed as per the agreement. Our negotiators must also keep in mind that the US has left the JCPOA once [and didn’t face any penalty], Therefore, a clear timeframe for the verification is necessary so it doesn’t become time barred.

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