High-risk groups must receive the Influenza vaccine

An expert on infectious diseases has said that influenza has a very noisy start, usually happens suddenly, and brings the temperature to forty degrees centigrade.

12/8/2021 8:01:00 AM

In this episode of our program “Rozaneh” we discussed the issue of common cold and influenza and the differences between these viral diseases and the Corona Virus with Dr. Masoud Mardani who is an expert on infectious diseases and a member of the Scientific Board of the Shahid Beheshti University for Medical Sciences.

Dr. Mardani told our host that in the same period of last year influenza was almost non-existent in Iran and most of the respiratory diseases diagnosed as influenza were not given any prescription.

He also pointed out the declination of Corona cases in Iran and said that fortunately there is a drastic reduction in the number of Covid patients across the country.

“Those who’ve avoided receiving their dose of vaccine must also step forward for inoculation so everybody gets a sigh of relief.”

Dr. Mardani said that during the past two years we didn’t get into chit-chat with the Influenza virus while most of the vulnerable groups do not have the necessary anti-body to fight this virus.

He added that the influenza virus spreads fast so the high-risk groups must also receive their dose of the vaccine as soon as possible.

“Influenza has a noisy and sudden start and brings the body temperature to forty degrees centigrade. Body ache and high fever are the most important indicators of this disease.”

He also pointed out the differences between the common cold and influenza saying that the common cold doesn’t have any serious symptoms in most cases while most the people who have caught cold don’t realize it at all.

Dr. Masoud Mardani also said that the common cold spreads in the body gradually. “The body temperature never exceeds thirty-eight degrees centigrade; Runny nose and continuous sneezing are the most important symptoms of this disease.”

“The symptoms of the Corona Virus are much similar to the Common cold.” He pointed out.

Dr. Mardani emphasized that the Corona Virus may engage the patient for two weeks. “Dry cough and losing the sense of smell and taste are among the indicators of this disease.”

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